Monday, June 12, 2017

Cervical Cancer Indonesian First Female Killer

Version English

Cervical Cancer Indonesian First Female Killer
Cervical Cancer or cancer of the cervix is a cancer that occurs in the uterine cervix, an area of the female reproductive organs that is the entrance to the uterus located between the uterus and the vagina.

This cancer usually occurs in women who have aged, but the statistical evidence shows that cervical cancer can also attack women aged 20-30 years. The term "cancer" always gives a frightening and creepy feel. It is also a lot of women Indonesia, every year about 8,000 Indonesian women died from cervical cancer.

Symptoms and Signs of Cervical Cancer
The initial symptoms are bleeding in the burrow, arise whitish mixed with blood and unpleasant smell, and pelvic pain or can not urinate. Even without any signs or pain in the initial rank.

When a person has been infected, the signs are:
Bloody (not when menstruating)
• Mucus becomes more
• Pain the waist / hip
• Pain when having sex

Causes of Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is caused by Human Papiloma Virus (HPV). HPV can be transmitted through abnormal sexual intercourse and often exchange personal gear such as underwear and towels. Cervical cancer can be decreased to children born by mothers with HPV. So the risk of cervical cancer much more severe, rather than heavy smokers, according to Prof. M. Farid Azis at the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Jakarta, Wednesday (21/1/09).

In addition to the above, Specialist Doctor Gynecology-Oncology Consultant FK UI-RSCM, (14/2), found one cause of cervical cancer is when women are always in a humid place. The above facts indicate that every woman is at risk for HPV infection regardless of age and lifestyle. In Indonesia cases of cervical cancer affects 40-50 people per day, while those who die reach 20-25 people per day.

Prevention of Cervical Cancer
In Indonesia cervical cancer ranked first among 10 types of cancer suffered by women. Even around 20-25 women die every two minutes in the world. Although dangerous, women can still ward off the danger of cervical cancer with treatment or therapy based on the stage of cervical cancer at diagnosis.

Prevention of vaccine should be done as early as possible to 10-year-old girls who have received a recommendation from IDAI (Indonesian Doctors Association of Gynecology).

In addition to maintaining cleanliness and moisture around the vagina and the use of a quality sanitary napkin becomes very important.

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